EWG's Safer Cosmetics Petition

A while back when I was looking for a hair products that didn't make my head/neck itch, I came across the Environment Working Group's cosmetics database website. It gives info on how safe a given product is based on it's ingredient list.
Well, I signed up on the site's mailing list.
The latest email is to sign a petition they have set up to make cosmetic products safer:

"Myth: If the store sells it, it must be safe. Fact: The government has no authority to require companies to test personal care products for safety before they reach the store shelf. Enough is enough! Sign EWG Action Fund's petition telling Congress to step up to the plate! http://bit.ly/m6Wo4I"

Just wanted to pass it along in case anyone is interested in signing. Not sure these online petitions do a whole lot, but you never know.

More Safe Cosmetics Info


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