Toxic Beauty Products Homemade Hair Gel

About a year ago, high blood sugar and high cholesterol forced me to take a look at what I was eating and make some changes. Now that I'm eating as healthy as I can and my numbers are better, I guess it makes sense to detoxify in other areas. I've been reading a lot lately about all of the chemicals in soaps, laundry detergents, toothpaste, makeup, shampoo, hair gels, conditioners etc. It seems like pretty much every pre-made product you buy contains chemicals which are bad for you. Surprise surprise! It's really getting ridiulous how chemicals have taken over. No wonder people are sick. They don't eat healthy, stay inside and use products containing toxic chemicals.
I have a little rash on my neck and I'm pretty sure it's from one of the hair products I use. I just don't know which one. I haven't changed products in a while. I'm guessing it's the hair gel. I use Suave Spray gel. Love it, works great, but I'm going to try making my own gel with unflavored gelatin and water.

For homemade hair mousse, dissolve 1/4 tsp of gelatin in 1 cup of boiling water. Put in a well sealed container and use as you would store bought hair mousse.

For homemade hair gel, dissolve 1/2 - 1 tsp of gelatin in 1 cup of boiling water. Put in a well sealed container and use as you would store bought hair gel.

Homemade shampoo and conditioner sound like they take a little more effort and probably won't stay fresh long as a lot of recipes I've found use eggs, so I've been trying to find a natural, organic shampoo and conditioner. I haven't had much luck so far. Two great websites I discovered let you type in the product name and gives you back information on how toxic the product is along with a ranking.

The first is run by the Environmental Working Group.
The second is run by science and technology experts.

Those websites are very enlightening. Many organic brands, such as Aubrey Organics, contain toxins. Brand names, like Garnier Fructis and Suave Naturals that I use, contain toxic chemicals such as methylparaben. These toxins may cause cancer, allergic reactions, skin rashes, acne or may disrupt the endocrine system.
Even products touted as safe for babies contain chemicals. The Baby Wash & Suave Kids Shampoo I use on my boys both contain methylparaben. No more tears; chemicals are used to produce the no more tears attribute.
Really amazing that products have become so contaminated over the years. Sad thing is, people just have no idea.

UPDATE: I've been making my own hair gel for a few months now. It's working out great. Here is the perfect homemade hair gel recipe I came up with.
